Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks with as little human assistance as possible. Automation can be used in any industry that involves repetitive tasks, but it is most common in the manufacturing, robotics, automotive and technology sectors, present in IT systems and business decision software. There are several types of automation. Basic automation is when simple and rudimentary tasks are automated. For example, digitizing work by using tools to streamline and centralize routine tasks, such as using a shared messaging system instead of having information in disconnected silos. Business process management (BPM) and robotic process automation (RPA) are types of basic automation. Another type is process automation, used to manage business processes for uniformity and transparency. It is typically handled by dedicated software and business apps. Using process automation can increase productivity and efficiency within a business. Process mining and workflow automation are types of process automation. In integration automation, machines mimic human tasks and repeat the actions once humans define the machine rules. The most complex form of automation is artificial intelligence (AI).
Automation has been present in our daily lives for a long time, but it is getting more and more sophisticated and complex. For example, home automation is a reality in so-called smart houses where hardware and software are combined to control and manage all kinds of home appliances and devices. Offices have also become more and more automated, with many tasks previously done by humans being passed on to machines. All professions have seen at least some degree of automation processes transform their practices, and journalism is not an exception.