New Skills for the Next Generation of Journalists


The first personal events of NEWSREEL2

The first personal events of the NEWSREEL2 project took place at the Department of Communication and Media Studies, University of Pécs, Hungary on 30th September and 1st October 2021.

On 30th September, a transnational project meeting was held where the project members discussed the ongoing and upcoming phases of the project. Some of the partners could only join online, via Zoom, but it was not a problem to have a fruitful discussion.

On 1st October, the first multiplier event with the title of What should we teach future journalists? took place, where the project partners presented the result of the first phase, the research report. Five from the nine professional fields were introduced: storytelling in social media; improving democratic sensibility; covering migration; AI and journalism, robot journalism and algorithms; debunking disinformation.

It was a pleasure that the conference was opened by Gyula Maksa, head of the Communication and Media Department from the University of Pécs, who is also a member of the NEWSREEL2 project. Another welcome speech was given by Gábor Polyák, head of the previous NEWSREEL project.

After the welcome speeches, Annamária Torbó head of NEWSREEL2 introduced the project and gave some general information on the research report.

Rita Glózer from the University of Pécs presented the findings on her field, which is storytelling in social media.

The Masaryk University were represented by Lenka Waschková Císařová and Klára Smejkal, the former one shared the results on their respective area, improving democratic sensibility.

Dominik Speck was present in the name of the Erich Brost Institute from TU Dortmund, and described the outcomes on covering migration.

The Romanian and Portuguese partners joined the event online. The University of Bucharest was represented by Raluca Radu, Manuela Preoteasa, and Antonia Matei. Raluca Radu held the presentation connected to the field of debunking disnformation, while Ana Pinto Martinho from the University Institute of Lisbon shared the research results on AI and journalism, robot journalism and algorithms.

The presentations were followed by a round table discussion on the connection of current social issues and journalism education. Gábor Polyák moderated the interesting discussion with our invited guests, Judit Barta from the McDaniel College Budapest, and Gábor Győrffy from the Babeş-Bolyai University. Lenka Waschková Císařová and Dominik Speck from the team of NEWSREEL also joined the conversation.

The active audience of the multiplier event consisted of many colleagues mainly from other Hungarian universities and the international students of the University of Pécs.

After the professional programmes, we had a reception at the department as a closure of the day to which everyone was invited.

Thank you for joining us at the first dissemination event of the NEWSREEL2 project!