The third multiplier event of NEWSREEL with the title of How to teach digital journalism skills, took place in Pécs, Hungary on the 6th of November. The main aim of the event was introducing the e-learning materials that we developed in the third phase of the project. The materials are connected to the fields of data journalism, collaborative journalism, new business models of journalism, and the ethical challenges of the digital public sphere.
The project team was represented by:
Gábor Polyák and Annamária Torbó, University of Pécs, Hungary - Ethical challenges of the digital public sphere
Ana Pinto Martinho and Miguel Crespo, ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal - New business models of journalism
Nadia Leihs (via Skype), Erich Brost Institute, Germany - Collaborative journalism
Emilia Șercan University of Bucharest, Romania - Data journalism and data visualization
It was a pleasure that the conference was opened by András Láng, vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Zsolt Szijártó, head of the Communication and Media Department from the University of Pécs. The written version ot the two welcome speeches are avaiable here:
Welcome speech by András Láng
Welcome speech by Zsolt Szijártó
After the e-learning presentations, we organized a round table discussion on the state of journalism education and the role of new journalistic skills. Gábor Polyák moderated the conversation with our guests, Sándor Orbán from Center for Independent Journalism, Tamás Bokor from the Corvinus University of Budapest and János Nagy from the University of Pécs.
The third programme was a lecture by Michal Kus, from the University of Wroclaw, Poland. He focused on the topic of fake news and fact checking from the perspective of education.
During the one-day event, students from the University of Pécs and from the HfK+G of Stuttgart had the opportunity to try and test the developed e-learning materials and give feedbacks to the representatives of the project team. The e-learning materials on the four fields will be updated in the next months.
The accompanying event of the conference was a Hungarian round table discussion with journalists on the ethical aspects of digital journalism. The programme was held in Reggeli, where we also had a reception as a closure of the day.
Thank you for joining us at one of the most important event of the project!
Photos: Fanni Marxer, Boglárka Nyirádi (University of Pécs)