New Skills for the Next Generation of Journalists


The updated version of the teaching guides are available!

The set of activities in Phase 4 aimed at testing and finalizing the syllabi and the e-learning materials of the previous phases, and at summarizing the project results in a form that will help to use the outcomes of NEWSREEL2 by third parties.

As a result of these activities we had courses at the participating universities as a pilot teaching activity. All of the participants organized a one-semester long course. During these courses, we implemented the syllabi and use all of the e-learning materials. The experiences of the courses were summarized in separate teaching guides, each for one field.

The teaching guides introduce the professional and methodological content of the project and the objectives of the courses. They give a detailed description on the skills and competencies developed by our e-learning and teaching materials and a collection of practical examples based on the teaching experiences.

The guides can be downloaded from here: