New Skills for the Next Generation of Journalists


The Erich Brost Institute for international journalism

The Erich Brost Institute for international journalism (EBI) initiates comparative research projects and publications dealing with international journalism cultures and media systems, innovations in international journalism and intercultural communication processes, with a special focus on Europe. EBI provides a platform for exchanging ideas on international journalism by creating a worldwide network of scientists and practitioners. To keep track on the various perspectives in the field, the institute organizes conferences and presentations, invites visiting professors and participates in international projects.
The institute provides journalism students at Dortmund University with an international perspective by offering seminars in international journalism with a focus on international media systems and journalism cultures, field trips abroad, and by inviting international guests. Furthermore, EBI is also actively involved in the education of international journalists in developing countries and societies in transformation as a counselor on curriculum development and with research activities. The main goal of EBI is to promote practise, the knowledge of and the research on global journalism. This is carried out through supporting projects in research activities and journalism training on an international level.  

Current projects:  
JiGC – Journalism in a Global Context
The African-European project “Journalism in a Global Context” aims at connecting journalism students, scientists and media representatives in Africa and Europe, thus promoting the quality of foreign reporting of Europe and Africa in a crucial time of development for both continents. Students from both continents produce media input together and focus on migration from Africa to Germany and Europe. The project is sponsored by the German Foreign Office and implemented by the Erich-Brost Institute for international Journalism and Africa Positive, a non-profit association based in Dortmund, Germany.
Ombudspeople in Tunisia
The project "Ombudspeople in Tunisia" aims at supporting this development. Since 2014, the EBI together with Mena Media Monitoring (MMM) supports Tunisian ombudsmen and offers inter alia training and networking opportunities. This also resulted in the publication of a handbook for ombudspeople in Arabic. The EBI intents to strengthen media self-regulation in Tunisia and by this to secure press freedom in the young democracy. It is funded by the German Foreign Office.  
SIIC – School of International and Intercultural Communication  
The School of International and Intercultural Communication | SIIC, supported by MERCUR (Mercator Research Center Ruhr), is a joint post graduate project of the alliance between Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund, and the University of Duisburg-Essen in the field of communication, media, and journalism studies.  The SIIC is located at the Erich Brost Institute at TU Dortmund and implements as a pilot project for the first time the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities (Deutscher Wissenschaftsrat) to stimulate further interdisciplinary exchange between media, communication, and journalism studies.  
The School of International and Intercultural Communication is offering up to ten scholarships for German speaking and international PhD fellows. Current developments in political and/or cross-border communication in transformation countries, and respectively in countries/regions of the Global South are focus of the investigations.