Cross-media means to tell a story on different media platforms, such as print, radio, TV, online and social media. When a cross-media working journalist does an interview, s/he does not only take notes or record it with a recording device but records it with a video camera instead. Thus, the interview is used as the basis for a written article to be published in print or online but also as a video or audio to be published on the website.
More and more newsrooms are working cross-media. They distribute their content to various existing platforms, link them with each other and refer to other content. A daily newspaper for example can refer under an article covering an event to a corresponding picture gallery on its website. A TV newscast can point to more information on a specific topic in a special report available online. The aim should be to add value for the user, not just to distribute content on as many channels as possible.
In his book “Crossmedia”, German journalist and lecturer Christian Jakubetz (2011) has drawn up a comprehensive checklist for newsrooms working cross-media: They need to ask themselves 1) which content to use in which situation, 2) which technical requirements are needed, 3) how synergies can be created between the contents, 4) what the best time-frame for publication is, 5) if all publication rights for all platforms are clarified, 6) if there is added value for the user and 7) if all contents fit to the brand of the medium and its style.