New Skills for the Next Generation of Journalists


Invitation to the final multiplier event of NEWSREEL2

In the representation of NEWSREEL2 team, we would like to invite you to the final multiplier event of the project with the title of New Skills and Teaching Challenges for the Next Generation of Journalists: Presenting NEWSREEL2 Outcomes and Discussing AI and Journalism. The event will take place at the ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal on the 30th of March.

During the full-day event the project team will present the main outputs that were developed in the framework of the project. After a general project introduction, you will hear presentations from the project members in the following topics: verification and debunking, improving democratic sensibility, social media storytelling, foreign coverage, and Algorithms, robot journalism and AI.

The central field of the event is AI and journalism, therefore there will be a keynote presentation by Nic Newman from the Reuters Institute about threats and opportunities, as well as two round-table discussion with journalism educators and journalists.

We welcome anyone who is interested in our project results and the above-mentioned topics!

New Skills and Teaching Challenges for the Next Generation of Journalists: Presenting NEWSREEL2 Outcomes and Discussing AI and Journalism

30th March 2023 – Venue: AUDITORIO B1.04 - University Institute of Lisbon

9h    – Check-in

9h45 – Welcome

10h    - “What skills are essential for future journalists and how should we teach them? The results of the NEWSREEL2 project” (Annamária Torbó, University of Pécs, Hungary)

10h10 - 'Verification & debunking in crisis situations' (Raluca Radu and Antonia Matei, University of Bucharest, Romania)

10h20 - “Improving democratic sensibility in a fragmented media environment” (Klara Smejkal, Masaryk University, Czechia)

10h30 - “Curriculum development and pilot teaching experiences on social media storytelling” (Rita Glózer, University of Pécs, Hungary)

10h40 – “Teaching Foreign Coverage: Focusing on challenges and innovations in the field” (Dominik Speck, Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, Germany)

10h50 – “Algorithms, robot journalism and AI” (Ana Pinto-Martinho and Miguel Crespo, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)

11h    Q&A

11h15 – Coffee break (30m)

11h45 – Teaching for Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: challenges (Panel Discussion with Q&A)

  • Paulo Nuno Vicente, iNOVA Media Lab, FCSH – New University of Lisbon
  • Luís António Santos – Universidade do Minho, CECS, Minho University
  • Ana Pinto Martinho – CIES, University Institute of Lisbon
  • Moderator: Gustavo Cardoso, University Institute of Lisbon

– Lunch break

14h30 – Keynote: “Artificial Intelligence and Journalism: Threats and Opportunities.” (Via Zoom)

  • Nic Newman, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University, UK

15h – Q&A (15m)

15h15 – Coffee break (30m)

15h45 – Artificial Intelligence and journalism: practices and challenges (in Portuguese) (Panel Discussion with Q&A)

  • Alexandra Luís – Journalist (Lusa, Portuguese News Agency)
  • Rui Barros – Journalist (Público newspaper)
  • Moderator: Miguel Crespo

16h45  Closing Session

17h    – End of the event