The Erich Brost Institute for international journalism (EBI) initiates comparative research projects and publications dealing with international journalism cultures and media systems, innovations in international journalism and intercultural communication processes, with a special focus on Europe. EBI provides a platform for exchanging ideas on international journalism by creating a worldwide network of scientists and practitioners. To keep track on the various perspectives in the field, the institute organizes conferences and presentations, invites visiting professors and participates in international projects.
The institute provides journalism students at Dortmund University with an international perspective by offering seminars in international journalism with a focus on international media systems and journalism cultures, field trips abroad, and by inviting international guests. Furthermore, EBI is also actively involved in the education of international journalists in developing countries and societies in transformation as a counselor on curriculum development and with research activities. The main goal of EBI is to promote practise, the knowledge of and the research on global journalism. This is carried out through supporting projects in research activities and journalism training on an international level.
Current projects:
JiGC – Journalism in a Global Context
The African-European project “Journalism in a Global Context” aims at connecting journalism students, scientists and media representatives in Africa and Europe, thus promoting the quality of foreign reporting of Europe and Africa in a crucial time of development for both continents. Students from both continents produce media input together and focus on migration from Africa to Germany and Europe. The project is sponsored by the German Foreign Office and implemented by the Erich-Brost Institute for international Journalism and Africa Positive, a non-profit association based in Dortmund, Germany.
MEDAS 21 – Global Media Assistance: Applied Research, Improved Practice in the 21 Century
MEDAS 21 - Global Media Assistance: Applied Research, Improved Practice in the 21 Century, supported by VolkswagenStiftung is a joint graduate school of the alliance between Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund, and the University of Duisburg-Essen in the field of communication, media, and journalism studies. Located at the Erich Brost Institute at TU Dortmund, it is offering up to seven scholarships for international PhD fellows.
Core questions of the research school are in the following areas of media development cooperation: changes in the socio-political, economic and technological framework conditions, effectiveness and legitimacy (impact skepticism), atomization tendencies and complexity gains (fragmentation), conflict of civil-humanitarian and security aspects (securitization), digital transformation, the economic re-evaluation of the current logics of action - and restrictions of the media cooperation landscape (Political Economy of Communication), , communication for social/political change, constructive/peace journalism.
The structured doctoral program is situated at the intersection of university theory and practical application and builds on extensive previous experience of the project partners. Project partners are Deutsche Welle Akademie, Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), African Media Initiative (AMI), Media Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) as well es the Catholic Media Council (CAMECO) and the Swiss Fondation Hirondelle. The cooperation includes a joint doctoral dissertation project and an up to one-year residence at the respective partner institution.
EJO – European Journalism Observatory
The European Journalism Observatory (EJO) is a network of non-profit media research institutes in 14 countries. The network aims to disseminate research on journalism and global media issues, and to foster professionalism and press freedom. The EJO promotes dialogue between media researchers and practitioners. It brings the results of media research to the people who deal with and work in the media. It aims to improve the quality of journalism, contribute to a richer understanding of media, and to foster press freedom and media accountability. The german EJO site is operated by the Erich Brost Institute. See more about EJO at the Associated Partners' page.